Oscars 2015 Fashion!

Hey guys!

As everyone knows, the Oscars was on last night which I couldn’t watch due to being too tired and run down so I thought I would do a blog post on my favourite and least favourite of the fashion tonight!

Anna Kendrick


This has to be one of my favourite dresses from the Oscars this year. I just love the shade of pink and just the whole dress itself. It would be something that I would wear going to a formal event. I loved the way it’s like a chain going around her neck! She would be one of my best dressed ladies of the night!

Josh Hutchinson


Everyone has to love Josh! If you don’t know who he is he’s Peta in the Hunger Games. Josh kept it all natural and swanky tonight ; but I’m not going to lie, he would pull of anything! He was one of the guys from tonight that I couldn’t wait to see. I loved the way he looks so manly but elegant at the same time.

Kelly Osbourne


I actually love this dress. Kelly has kept it so plan but so elegant. My favourite detail on this dress has to be the lace up around her forearm and upper chest – I’m a sucker for lace so this has just made me love the dress. Even tho she looks and is stunning in the dress the only thing is I think she could of gotten a better bag to match the dress but it definitely shows off her personality!

Margot Robbie


I’m not going to lie, I have no clue who she is (whoops). I actually don’t really like her dress. It’s too plain for me and there’s really no detail to it. It just looks like she’s going to a funeral or decided to throw a duvet over here! This wouldn’t be what I would expect to see at the Oscars!

Dakota Johnson


I love her! Dakota has to be one of my favourite people of all time. I love the shade of red on the dress! I’m a big red colour lover so this has just done it for me. It shows of her amazing figure so well too (jealous). I love the way on her left shoulder – the sliver strap is so nice and such an amazing touch! She has to be one of my other best dressed of the night!



Where do I start with this outfit? Because I have no clue. I think I’ve lost faith in Will – I didn’t have much of it before but that’s besides the point. I don’t think he could of dressed more informal than he already did – it’s definitely something that I wouldn’t expect to see at the Oscars and it’s not even the type of glamour that you would normally have. He reminds me of the train conductor in Thomas The Tank Engine – that’s how bad he’s dressed. He would be on the worst dress list of all times for the Oscars!

Jennifer Anniston


I love Jennifer but this dress is doing nothing for her! It’s probably the worst thing that she has worn out for an awards ceremony! It actually looks like a curtain and she could have done so much better! But one amazing thing about her that I have to say is that she never ages and she is just flawless!

Marion Cotillard


Another person that I have no clue who she is but she’s wearing Dior’s new bath mat – well it looks like she is. This dress reminds me of the mat you put down in the bath or shower so that you don’t slip! I honestly don’t know what Dior was thinking or this woman!

Jamie Chung


Apart from this dress looking like fireworks I love it! It’s probably the most detailed dress that was there last night in my opinion! I love the colours in this dress and Jamie just looks stunning; she’s stunning in anything that she wears!

Let me know in the comments below on who you think is the best and worst dressed of the Oscars!


Blogging Do’s and Don’ts 😳

So guys I’ve been asked a few times to do my top do’s and Don’ts so I thought I would do them for today. I hope these help you now or even in the future!

Do’s ✔️

Use Your Own Content and Original Ideas – Because you need to get readers interested in you’re blog and you! we all know that people are going to be reviewing the same or similar products but they should be you’re own views etc! To change things up you can blog about you’re life or other things.

Update Often – if you watch your blog traffic you can notice that you will get more if you post more often, you don’t need to post every day but you should have a schedule to follow.

Keep You’re Blog Clean and Pretty – this will ensure that you’re readers will have an amazing experience on you’re blog and will entice them to come back again.

Networking – this is a great way to grow you’re blog. You should try and connect with other bloggers ~ there are chats on Twitter every night with hashtags like #bdib #fblchat #bbloggers and much more. I will put up an schedule of the chats in the next few days!

Write As A Conversation – If you don’t write as a conversation it’ll be like an essay and people don’t like reading essay. It has to be easy to read and not too long.

Post Vlogs – this is a great way to reach out to you’re readers as they get to know you more and gives them an in site into you’re life and what you do. It also brings traffic from YouTube to your blog.

Don’ts ✖️

Plagiarise – it is definitely not ok to use someone else’s content without asking them or evening giving them credit without asking them. This is illegal and you can get done for it.

Steal Photos – this is the same as the one above. Don’t steal photos without consent.

Leave You’re Link In Comments – it’s okay to leave it at the end of a comment but it definitely shouldn’t be in the top or middle of the comment as it will get marked as spam and it annoys other bloggers.

So I hope these tips have given you an in site on what it is okay to do when blogging and not to do! This will be a series on my blog where I offer advice! Let me know in the comments below on what are you’re Do’s and Don’ts in the blogging world.

X-Factor Tour Review 🎤

Hey guys! So I went to the X-Factor tour on the second night in Dublin in the 3 Arena.

The first act that opened the show was Fleur East – I wasn’t a big fan of her on the show but oh my god, she was amazing at performing and she’s the only one that really gave you a show with her dancing and singing. She sung All About That Bass, Thriller, Uptown Funk and others!


The second act that came out was Andrea – now he was one of my favourites of the show this year. He reminded me of Mario from the computer games. I knew that he was going to steal she show! Which he did! He sang Listen and Chandelier and one other song! He was one of my favourites of the night.


The next act was Lauren Platt – I didn’t really like her on the show but she can sing. Her set was probably one of my favourite sets of the night. She was giving it her all and she even danced! She sung Let It Go, Don’t Worry Your Child, Happy/Teardrops Melody and she also sang one other song but I can’t remember the name of it!


The first group out was Only The Young (OTY) – I’m honesty not a fan of these but they know how to put on a show but I feel that they’re more catered for the younger age group rather then the teenagers, don’t get me wrong they had an amazing set but it just wouldn’t be my cup of tea! They sang Bearnescties, Jail House Rock, Shake It and another song!


The next act was Jay James – I wasn’t a fan of him on the show but he can sing. I wasn’t expecting him to sing some of the songs that the did! Loved the hat he wore also! He sang Skyfall and a few other songs but you have to wait and see 😉


The next act was Stevie Ritchie – Im definitely not a fan of this dude but I have to say he knows how to put on a show and he was entertaining. I noticed he wasn’t singing it all live but you wouldn’t expect him to sing live anyway! He sang Footloose, Livin’ La Vida Loca , Queen Melody and another song I think!

The last group that was out was Stereo Kicks – this was the main act that I couldn’t wait to go and see. These are an 8 piece boyband that got put together at boot camp and made it nearly to the final. I have to say the lead singer James is just flawless and he holds the group together but Casey, Jake, Barcley, Chris, Charlie, Tom and Reece were amazing too. They sang Run, Hey Jude, Everybody and another song! These were one of my favourites of the night!


The final act was the X-Factor Winner Ben Haenow – as everyone knows there was a massive hype around him and how good he is. Don’t get me wrong he is amazing but his voice stays the same in the all of the songs! I love him but I don’t think he’s going to get far. He sung Jealous Guy, Come Together, Demons, Something I need, Highway To Hell. If you are just going for him he doesn’t come on to the very last time!


They all did two group songs which one was Shake It Off and a few more but I’ll keep them secret 😉

Overall it was an amazing night and I would go again if I had a chance!

Comment below if you are going to the concert or if you have been & who is you’re favourite contestant from this years X-Factor




Lifestyle // Favourite Things To Do ⭐️

Hey guys! I thought I would do a small post on my favourite things to do so you can get to know me better!

I’m not going to lie but I love writing. I could actually write for hours and hours if I’m bored. If there’s one simple mistake on my notes for college or school I would write that page out again!

I love listening to music! It’s my top favourite thing to do! I can’t go without a day listening to music. Music just had this power over everyone to make them happy when you’re down.

Most of you probably don’t know that I ride horses. I’ve been doing it for over 1O years now and I won’t be giving it up any time soon! It’s something that I love doing; it takes you away from all you’re problems and stresses!



I’m pretty sure none of you would’ve guessed that this was something that I love to do. It fits in with my love of writing. It’s probably the most favourite thing that I’ve been doing a lot recently and plan on continuing it!

Let me know in the comments below what’s you’re favourite things to do! 🎀

Tags // The Disney Tag 🎀

Hey guys! Since I haven’t done a tag in a while I thought I would do the Disney tag since I’m a big Disney fan!

1. A scene in any Disney movie you wish you could experience
It would have to be the scene from Aldain where they sing A Whole New World!

2. An unforgettable experience you’ve had at the parks
I’ve only been to Disney Paris and it would have to be meeting the princesses! I’m such a big kid!

3. What non-Disney song reminds you or brings back memories of Disney and or the parks?
I actually don’t have one.. Whoops

4. When was the first time you went to a Disney park?
It was in transition year when we went on the trip with my school year!

5. If you could choose any of the characters to be your best friend who would you choose?
Belle from beauty and the beast only because it’s one of my favourite movies!

6. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
Belle from beauty and the beast and Elsa from frozen!

7. Name a scene/moment in any Disney movie that never fails to make you cry?
When Simbas dad dies in the Lion King. Always a sad bit to watch!

8. What is your favorite Disney movie?
I have a few; Beauty and The Beast, The Lion King and Astricate Cats.

9. Overrated Disney? Cinderella!

10. Underrated Disney?
Beauty and the Beast.

11. Favorite Disney song?
A Whole New World or Tale As Old As Time.

12. Least Favorite Disney?

13. Most Memorable Disney villain?
De Vill in 101 Dominations.

14. Favorite classic Disney/ favorite modern Disney?
Beauty and the Beast and Frozen.

15. Favorite Disney score?
I dunno what that is.

I tag everyone who reads this to do the tag!


Beauty // Gosh, Saphir Perfume & iClothing Spring and Summer Launch 👗

Hey guys! So today I went to my first event and it was for Gosh, Saphir Perfume and iClothing. It was based in the Dylan Hotel, Eastmoreland Lane in Dublin. The event started at 11:OOam but didn’t finish till 16:OOpm.

Before the event I fell in love with the invite that Sarah sent us through email! It was probably the favourite invite that I’ve gotten ever!


I met up with Cat, Melody & Elle. We all arrived at the event at about 1:2Opm even tho most of us wasn’t well but we made sure to make it as much fun as possible.

The first stand we went to was Saphir Perfume. The girl was so welcoming and started to talk to us. She gave us the low down on the brand which you can find on their website which will be linked through out the blog post! The brand originally came from Spain and it has been live for the past fifty years; even tho I hadn’t heard of it before. After our lovely chat with the girl that was telling us about them she gave us an amazing goodie bag which had 3 small bottles of women’s perfume, 4 samples and 1 bottle of the male perfume; which I was so surprised about. So thank you to Saphir Perfume for the amazing day and goodie bags!




The second brand that we went to was Gosh ; I’ve known about this brand for a while but it seems to be really hard to find around Dublin and Kildare that stock their products. You can check the companies history on their website. The woman at the stand just told us about their new primer n’ set and then went off to talk to one of her blogger friends. We got to test out all of their new products while she was gone and they were amazing. I’ll be getting there eye liner and lip liner once I have funding! Just before we left she gave us a goodie bag which had; the prime n’ set, mascara, lip gloss and nail varnish – thank you Gosh and also a 2O% off voucher for their web store! I will be reviewing their products on my blog soon so keep an eye out!



The last stand we went to was iClothing – who I seen on Xposè the week before and actually only heard of them when I got the invitation to the event! I have to say they have some amazing lines coming out for the Spring/Summer 2O15 collection and there’s a few things that I would love to purchase from them. They are a brand that you need to watch out for! As we were talking to the woman she gives us a bag with an amazing necklace and a discount for their website – thank you so much iClothing



I really enjoyed this event and it was my first blogger event ever and I couldn’t of went with any better people! I will have a small Vlog of this up in the next few days so keep an eye out!

Let me know if you went and what you thought about the event!

Lifestyle // My Favourite Things About Spring 🌸

Hey guys! Since it’s coming into Spring I thought I would do a post on my favourite things that I like/love about the season!

Daylight Increases – this wouldn’t be a top one for me but it would be on the list. I love the late nights but hate the bright mornings!

Baby Animals – Everyone that knows me, knows that I love animals. So this would be a top one for me. I love seeing all the foals, lambs and calves out in the fields and loving life.

Flowers – Spring is when the flowers start to bloom. I love all the different colours in people’s gardens, fields and everywhere else!

Warmer Days – Even tho in Ireland the weather in Spring isn’t that warm but it is warmer then winter! Spring over here is part of winter but the temperatures do rise towards the end of the season.

Birds Singing – this would be a small thing on my list. I love listening to them in the morning but if they wake me up that’s a whole different story!

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this small post & If you want to let me know in the comments what is your favourite things about Spring.


Award // The Liebster Award!

Hey guys! I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award this time by Despina & I’m very honoured! This is the second award that I’ve been nominated for!


– thank the person that has nominated you.
– Answer the questions that the nominator has given you.
– Nominate 11 other bloggers that have under 200 followers and link them.
– Create 11 new questions!
– Tell the nominates that you’ve nominated them!

1) Why Did You Start Blogging?
I started blogging because I love writing and only recently gotten into make up before I started it. It was mostly because I enjoyed writing and being online!

2) What’s your favourite kind of food?
My favourite kind of food has to be Italian but my own favourite food would have to be cheese!

3) Who Is Your Role Model?
It has to be Demi Lovato. She’s been through so much but hadn’t given up on life nor herself!

4) What Do You Do When Your Not Blogging?
I also make videos for youtube so that and blogging takes up most of my time. Even tho I’m not online I do so much work off line.

5) Favourite Place To Spurge ?
It would have to be boots because boots have a massive collection of make up, skin care and everything else. You can also collect points which is so helpful!

6) Where Do You See Yourself In 3 Years?
Hopefully not in Ireland anymore. Possibly the UK or the US doing youtube and blogging! Everyone has to have goals right?

7) Share One Habit That You Would Wish You Could Break?
It would have to be biting my nails. I do this so much and it’s such a horrible habit!

8) What Is Your Favourite Vacation Ever?
It would have to be Lanzarote because it was so hot, nice and the atmosphere was next to none!

9) Favourite Movie As A Kid ?
It would have to be Disneys The Lion King or Beauty and The Beast! I used to watch them both all the time.

10) What Is Your Guilty Pleasure?
It would have to be Twitter because I’m never off it unless I’m sleeping!

11) Why Did You Choose You’re Blog Name?
It was my Twitter name so I really just wanted to keep it connected with it!


Abbie @ Kittens Into Phats
Katy @ The Lilac Scrap Book
Florence @ Love From FG
Elle @ Elle Ganze
Rachel @ Rachy Ray Babe
Ellen @ Ellen Rose Beauty
Cat @ Mentally Beautiful
Melly @ Glam Fire Diaries


1) how has blogging affected you’re life?
2) which bloggers do you look up too?
3) what is you’re favourite song at the moment?
4) If you could have any product what would it be?
5) what was your favourite thing to do as a child?
6) if you could pick between WordPress or blogger which one would you pick?
7) What advise would you give to new bloggers?
8) what has been your favourite product that you’ve bought?
9) does you’re family know that you blog?
10) do you have a YouTube that runs along you’re blog?
11) Is this the first award you’ve been nominated for?

Lifestyle // My Current Spotify Playlist 🎵

Hi Guys! I haven’t done a Spotify playlist post before so I thought I would do one.

For people that don’t know anything about Spotify, it’s a service that’s just like iTunes, it’s free on the computer but you can pay €10 a month to get unlimited music on you’re phone and much more.

ThatSoBekaah Playlist

Lip Gloss – Lil Mama.
Like I can – Sam Smith.
7/11 – Beyoncé.
These Days – Take That.
Real Love – Clean Bandit.
Hotel – Kid Ink.
Only – Nicki Minaj.
Bang Bang – Jesse J.
Iris – Goo Goo Dolls.
I Was Here – Beyoncè.
Night Changes – One Direction.
Tale As Old As Time – Beauty and The Beast.
All of Me – John Legend.
Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeran.
Photograph – Ed Sheeran.
Ghost – Ella Henderson.
Something Big – Shawn Mendes.
Buck wild – Taylor Caniff.
Ordinary – Ricky Dillion.

So guys that’s my playlist so I hope you enjoyed looking into my music taste for this month! Let me know what song you have constantly playing in the comments below 🎧


Lifestyle // Top Places That I Want To Visit ✈️

Everyone has places were they want to visit, so I thought I would do a post about where I want to go and why! I hope that you’ll enjoy it!

New South Wales, Australia – this has to be one of the top places were I want to visit. I wouldn’t mind any part of Australia but I would love to go to New South Wales because Bondi Beach is on my bucket list. I would also love to go because when it’s winter in Ireland it’s summer over there so you could get away from the Irish cold ✈️


Florida, USA – I would love to go to Florida because of the hot weather and the wildlife over there! Miami is were I would probably go if I could. I have cousins over there so who knows what could happen! It’s really the atmosphere over there that is making me want to go. I would love to visit Orlando and Disney too!


South Africa – this is probably the main place that I would love to visit. I would love to go here because of the wild animals and safaris. If you all haven’t realised by now I’m big into animals!


let me know we’re you’re top places to visit would be down below in the comments!