Tag // The Travel Tag ✈️

This is just a tag that I found myself and I love so I thought that I would give it a go!

1) How many countries have you visited? I have visited about 7 countries in the world but I want to make it more!

2) Why do you travel? I travel mostly to go on holiday with the family but soon I really want to travel because of events etc!

3) Favourite City or Country? it would have to be Bruges in Belgium. It’s such a pretty country and city! I would love to go back there.

4) Most memorable experience abroad? it would of had to be Disneyland, Paris during transition year in secondary school because i always wanted to go there!

5) Advice for those who want to travel but think they can’t? you only live once and you have to go to see the world since it’s so pretty and full of surprises!


Cat @ Mentally Beautiful
Melody @ Glam Fire Diaries
Ffion @ A South Welsh Blog
Bèbhinn @ A Judgeless Life
Elle @ Elle Ganze

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