The Brits 2015 Fashion🎀

Hey guys! As some of you know The Brits was on last night (I know another award show) so I thought I would do a post on the fashion on the red carpet! 

Ellie Goulding 

I honestly love this dress. Ellie has a very elegant look to her anyway but this has just topped her off! I love the floral designs all around the dress especially around her chest area! I just felt like she could of done a bit more then your normal day to day make-up but I love Ellie! 

Little Mix 

I love how all these girls look! They all look so elegant but Jades dress has to be my favourite – I’m big into my red shades so this would go down with me so well! Perri’s dress reminds me of curtains for some reason, I hope her wedding dress is better then this! The other two girls look stunning also! 

Rita Ora 

No matter what awards this woman goes to she looks stunning! She’s one of the idols I look up to every time she goes out onto the red carpet. She went for a more elegant look for the Brits and I love it.  I love the gold colour and the sequence on the dress! 

Taylor Swift & Sam Smith 

Taylor Swift has out done herself in this dress! I love the detail in the back of the dress – big into the detail! It would be the favourite detailed dress of the night but I think someone else could of done the dress more justice! 

Sam Smith has to be one of my favourite artists at the moment and I love the way he didn’t go for the normal suit and tie. I love the blueness of his suit and it suits him! A tie would of helped his outfit a bit! 

Fearne Cotton 

I actually love this dress but this wouldn’t be one of my favourites for a red carpet event nor an award ceremony! Fearne normally has some amazing clothes but this wouldn’t be my cup of tea at all for an event like this since everyone is so elegant for this! 

Holly Will 

I honestly don’t like Holly’s dress at all. She reminds me of a Christmas Tree and in February I don’t want to be reminded of it since it’s months away! She’s my worst dressed of the night! 

Best Dressed Female – Rita Ora!

Best Dressed Male – Sam Smith! 

Let me know in the comments below who would be you’re best and worst dressed of the night! 

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