Brands To Visit At The Irish Beauty Show 💄

Hey lovelies! 

As some of you might know that the Irish Beauty Show is on this coming Sunday and Monday in the RDS in Dublin, Ireland. I will be attending on the Sunday and I cannot wait. This post is just to show you who would be my top brands at this event to visit! 

AYU Make Up

AYU Make Up is a company run by Suzie O’Neil and her sister Laura Maher. They sell top make up brushes and palettes for everyone. All of their brushes have amazing quality with a non expensive price! You should definitely check this brand out at the show! 

Baby Doll Cosmetics 

This is a brand that I’ve only found recently myself. They do Tan, EyeLashes and Fake Nails. I am currently using their tan on myself and it’s amazing! I would recommend it to anyone! This brand would be another brand that you have to go and check out. They are one of the cheaper tans but are amazing – couldn’t fault them in any way at all. 

Blank Canvas Cosmetics 

This company has to be a big company that I have to go and see myself. Blank Canvas has been a company that I’ve been looking to check out for the past month. This company also do brushes and palettes for an affordable price! 


Fuschia is a big Irish brand that I would love to check out and everyone should to support the Irish companies! There’s no where near me that stocks Fuschia so I cannot wait to see what they have to offer completely! 

Nima Brushes 

Nima Brushes is another brush brand that you have to check out because they are amazing and I absolutely love this brand without a doubt! 

Benefit Cosmetics 

Benefit Cosmetics are obviously a big known brand in the cosmetics world so they have to be checked out no matter what. They will have plenty of offers and discounted prices so don’t forget to go and check their stand. 

Let me know if you are going to the Beauty Show on Sunday and who you can’t wait to see! 

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